The Future of Work: Top Trends in Staffing and Recruiting

The world of work is undergoing significant transformations, driven by advancements in technology, shifting demographics, and evolving workforce preferences. Staffing and recruiting, as essential components of the employment landscape, are not immune to these changes. In this era of rapid innovation, organizations must stay ahead of the curve and adapt their staffing and recruiting strategies to remain competitive. Here are the top trends shaping the future of work in staffing and recruiting.

The Top Trends in Staffing and Recruiting Today!

Emphasis on Skill Diversity

The demand for specialized skills is evolving rapidly in today’s dynamic work environment. Rather than focusing solely on academic qualifications, organizations are increasingly seeking candidates with diverse skill sets and the ability to adapt to new roles and responsibilities. Skill diversity enhances flexibility and enables employees to tackle various tasks, promoting a more agile and adaptable workforce.

Remote and Flexible Work

The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzed remote work adoption, and it is now considered a viable long-term option for many industries. Remote work offers numerous benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced overhead costs, and access to a global talent pool. Staffing and recruiting strategies adapt by embracing virtual hiring processes, utilizing collaborative tools, and implementing flexible work arrangements.

Gig Economy and Freelancing

The rise of the gig economy has revolutionized the way we organize work. More professionals are choosing to work as freelancers or independent contractors, seeking flexibility, autonomy, and a diverse range of projects. This shift necessitates a change in recruitment strategies, as organizations need to tap into this talent pool by building freelancer networks or utilizing specialized platforms to connect with skilled professionals on a project basis.

Data-Driven Recruitment

With the increasing availability of data and advancements in analytics, organizations are leveraging technology to make more informed hiring decisions. Predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms can sift through large volumes of data to identify patterns, predict future hiring needs, and match candidates with suitable roles. This data-driven approach enhances efficiency, reduces bias, and improves the overall quality of hiring outcomes.

Employer Branding and Candidate Experience

Organizations invest more in employer branding and creating positive candidate experiences in an era of heightened competition for top talent. A strong employer brand showcasing the company’s values, culture, and opportunities for growth can attract top-tier candidates. Simultaneously, a seamless and personalized candidate experience, incorporating technology and timely communication, enhances the organization’s reputation and increases the likelihood of successful hires.

Upskilling and Reskilling

Specific job roles become obsolete as technology evolves while new ones emerge. Organizations increasingly recognize the importance of upskilling and reskilling their existing workforce to bridge the skills gap and ensure a smooth transition to new roles. Staffing and recruiting strategies now include identifying growth potential, creating training programs, and nurturing internal talent pools to meet changing job requirements.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Building diverse and inclusive workforces is not just a social imperative but also a business imperative. Organizations actively incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles into their staffing and recruiting strategies. By embracing DEI, organizations can tap into a wider talent pool, foster creativity and innovation, and create a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Looking for Top Talent? Kable Staffing Can Help!

Kable Staffing is well-equipped to stay on top of changes in the work world. We supply our clients with light industrial staffing talent, well-equipped for an evolving industry. Call on us today to meet your hiring goals tomorrow.

The Value of Working with a LOCAL Agency Like Kable to Fill Your Hiring Needs!

In today’s competitive job market, finding the right employees is difficult. Many companies turn to staffing agencies to help them fill their hiring needs. But not all staffing agencies are created equal. Working with a local employment agency can provide unique benefits and advantages that larger, national firms cannot match. Here are some of the values of working with a local staffing agency to fill your hiring needs. 

How Kable Can Help Your Organization for the Better?


Local Staffing Understands Your Local Market 

A local staffing agency has an advantage over the industry due to its deep understanding of the local job market, business community, economy, and the specific hiring needs in the area. A local agency can also tap into its network of job seekers, giving you access to a wider pool of qualified candidates.  By working with a local staffing agency, you will find the right candidate for the job.

More Personalized Service 

Unlike larger national firms, you can expect a more personalized service when you work with a local staffing agency. The experience is often more hands-on and can provide individualized attention to your needs. They take the time to understand your specific business and hiring needs in order to tailor their services to the client’s unique situation. A local staffing agency can also provide ongoing support and advice throughout the hiring process–from writing job descriptions to conducting interviews and making job offers. 

Faster Response Time 

When you need to fill a position quickly, every day counts. A local staffing agency can respond faster than larger national firms. They can instantly identify potential candidates, conduct pre-screening interviews, and present qualified candidates to you for consideration. This speedy response can help you fill your open positions faster and avoid lost productivity due to understaffing. 

Cost-Effective Solution 

Working with a local staffing agency can be a cost-effective solution for your hiring needs. Unlike hiring a full-time recruiter, you only pay for the staffing agency’s services when needed. A local agency can help you save money on recruiting and hiring costs, such as advertising and recruiting expenses. In addition, working locally can help avoid the costs of turnovers, such as lost productivity, training, and severance pay. 

Local Support 

When you work with a local staffing agency, you support your local community, local economy, and local jobs. This “neighborhood focus” can help build goodwill in the community and enhance your brand’s reputation as a responsible corporate citizen. Additionally, a local staffing agency can provide support and resources, such as information about local labor laws and regulations, which can help you stay compliant and avoid legal issues.

See the Benefits of Partnering with Kable Staffing Today! 

Kable Staffing is your local recruiting agency. We bring all the benefits and advantages of working with a local staffing agency that larger national firms cannot match. These benefits help you find the right employees for your open positions, build goodwill in your community, and reduce your expenses. If you want to improve your time-to-hire, consider partnering with Kable Staffing to help you find the best candidates for your business. Talk with our team today. 

Soft Skills to Look for in Your Next Hires

When hiring new employees, it’s essential to consider their technical skills, qualifications, and soft skills. Soft skills are personal attributes that enable individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with others, and they are becoming increasingly important in the workplace. Here are some soft skills to look for in your next hires. 


The Soft Skills That Can Help Your Team


Top Soft Skills in 2023 

Soft skills, those characteristics that can’t be taught, are becoming increasingly important in the workplace. Some of the top soft skills that employers look for today include: 

  • Communication. Communicating effectively with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders is essential in any industry. Communication skills are critical in roles that require a lot of interaction with customers or clients, such as sales or customer service. Look for articulate candidates who listen actively and can convey information clearly and concisely.
  • Collaboration. Employees who can work effectively in teams, share knowledge and resources, and support their colleagues are essential to the success of any organization. Look for candidates who can work well in a team environment, are willing to contribute to group efforts, and can communicate their ideas effectively.
  • Adaptability. In today’s fast-paced work environment, adaptability is a critical soft skill. Employees who adapt to changing circumstances and new situations are precious to employers. Look for flexible candidates who can work under pressure and quickly adapt to new technologies, processes, and procedures. Employees who adapt to change are more likely to succeed in their roles and contribute to the organization’s success.
  • Problem-solving. Employees who can solve problems effectively are highly sought after by employers. Look for candidates who can identify problems, analyze the situation, and develop effective solutions. Problem-solving skills are essential in many roles, including customer service, technical support, and project management.
  • Time management. Employees who can manage their time effectively, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines are essential to the success of any organization. Look for organized candidates who work efficiently and can manage their workload effectively. Time management skills are essential in roles that require a lot of multitasking, such as administrative or executive assistant positions.
  • Leadership skills. Look for candidates who can inspire and motivate others, take the initiative, and can guide and mentor their colleagues effectively. Leadership skills are essential in roles that require employees to manage projects or teams or who need to take charge in high-pressure situations.
  • Emotional intelligence. Employees who can understand and manage their emotions effectively and who can read and respond to the feelings of others are highly valued by employers. Look for self-aware, empathetic candidates who can manage conflict effectively. Emotional intelligence is particularly important in roles that require a lot of interaction with others, such as human resources or management positions.

Looking for Employees That Can Help Better Your Work Environment?


When hiring new employees, it’s essential to consider their technical skills, qualifications, and soft skills. By hiring employees with strong soft skills, you can create a positive and productive work environment and contribute to the success of your organization. Kable Staffing is well-versed in finding top candidates with hard and soft skills to benefit your organization. Talk with our team today. We’ll help you find the right fit. 



Strive for Success: How to Help Your Employees Set Goals (and Achieve Them)

As an employer or manager, it’s your responsibility to help your employees set and achieve their goals. When your team members feel supported and empowered to achieve their personal and professional aspirations, they’re more likely to feel motivated and engaged at work. This benefits both the employees as well as your entire organization. Here are some tips to help your employees set and achieve their goals.


How You Can Help Your Employees Best Achieve Their Goals 

Encourage Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) Goals 

One of the most effective ways to help your employees set and achieve their goals is to encourage using SMART goals. The acronym “SMART” refers to a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound, meaning they’re clear, realistic, and have deadlines. SMART goals give employees a clear roadmap for achieving their objectives, tracking progress, and measuring success.


Provide Clear Expectations 

To help your employees set effective goals, you must set clear expectations. Share your organization’s vision, mission, and goals with your team members, and ensure they understand how their individual objectives align with the ‘company’s broader objectives. This effort will help employees set relevant goals that contribute to the organization’s mission.


Set Regular Check-Ins 

Set up regular check-ins with your staff to ensure they are on track to achieving their goals. During these check-ins, you can discuss their progress, identify any obstacles they’re facing, and provide guidance and support. These meetings can also be an opportunity to adjust goals or strategies if necessary. 


Provide Resources and Support 

To help your employees achieve their goals, provide them with the necessary resources and support. Support may include access to resources, mentorship, or additional assistance from other team members. Make sure your team members feel comfortable asking for help if they need it. 


Recognize and Celebrate Achievements 

When your employees achieve their goals, recognize their accomplishments and celebrate their success. This recognition can be as simple as congratulating or acknowledging their achievements during team meetings. Celebrating achievements boosts morale and motivation and reinforces the importance of goal-setting and achievement within your organization. 


Lead by Example 

As a leader, it’s essential to lead by example. Set your own goals and share them with your team members. Work together with the employees to establish their goals. Your leadership will show that you’re invested in personal and professional growth, and it will inspire your team members to follow your lead. Additionally, share your successes and failures with your team, as this will help create a culture of transparency and learning.


Encourage Continuous Learning 

Provide opportunities for professional development, such as training, workshops, or conferences. Encourage your team members to continue learning and developing new skills outside of the workplace. This effort will keep team members updated with industry trends and best practices to help them achieve their personal and professional goals.

Helping your employees set and achieve their goals is essential for their personal and professional growth, as well as the success of your organization. Remember that everyone benefits when your team members feel supported and empowered to achieve their goals.


Work with Kable to Help Achieve Your Organization’s Goals! 

Kable Staffing is committed to helping you find the best employees. We work closely with our business partners to source, screen, and hire talent. We can help you reach your hiring goals – contact us to find out more. 


New Hires Starting Soon? How to Foster Relationships from Day 1

Bringing new hires onto a team is an exciting time for any organization. However, it’s also crucial to establish relationships and set the tone for the work culture. The first few weeks on the job for a new hire are critical as they will set the tone for their entire experience with the company. Therefore, it’s essential to foster relationships from day one. 

Here are some ways to ensure that new hires feel welcomed, integrated, and ready to hit the ground running from their first day.

Seven Ways to Build Relationships with New Hires! 

1. Start with a warm welcome.

A simple welcome email or phone call from their manager or HR representative can go a long way in making new hires feel welcome. This gesture will show that the organization is excited to have them onboard, and it’s also an excellent opportunity to set expectations for the first day and week.

2. Prepare their workspace.

Ensure the new hire’s workspace is clean, functional, and fully equipped with everything they need to start. This effort should include a computer, phone, tools, equipment, or other necessary items. Consider adding a welcome note or small gift to make their first day special.

3. Assign a buddy or mentor.

Assigning a buddy or mentor to new hires is an effective way to help them integrate into the team quickly. This person can answer any questions the new hire might have and show them the ropes of the organization. Ideally, the buddy or mentor should be someone who has been with the company for a while and understands the company culture and expectations. 

4. Introduce them to the team.

Introduce the new hire to the team as soon as possible. A team lunch or coffee break can be an excellent opportunity for the team to get to know the new hire more personally. Encourage team members to ask questions and share information about themselves, their roles, and their experiences with the company.

5. Provide clear goals and expectations.

Set clear goals and expectations for the new hire from the beginning. Goal setting helps your new employee understand their role and responsibilities, as well as what is expected of them in terms of performance and behavior. Be clear about the company’s values, mission, and culture and how they align with the new hire’s role and goals. 

6. Offer training and development opportunities.

Providing training and development opportunities can help new hires feel valued and invested in by the organization. Offer training sessions on the company’s products, services, and systems and any specific skills or knowledge required for the new hire’s role. Encourage the new hire to attend conferences or workshops to enhance their professional development.

7. Check-in regularly.

Make sure to check in with your new hires regularly to see how they’re doing and if they have any questions or concerns. Checking in will show that the organization cares about their well-being and is committed to their success. Encourage open communication and be receptive to feedback and suggestions from the new hire. 

Looking to bring in talent that can help your organization grow? Kable can help! 

Fostering relationships from day one is crucial for the success of new hires and the organization. At Kable Staffing, we strive to match the best talent with our clients in light industrial, administrative, skilled trades, and customer service. If you’re seeking talent, call on us. We can help you find the help you need. Contact us to find out more.