The Importance of Strong Training Programs and How it Can Lead to Better Retention!

There is no comparison in training versus not training in the manufacturing sector. It makes sense that companies investing in employee training allow workers to hit the ground running faster, stay safer, and be more productive. Yet nearly 59% of the workforce say they haven’t received training and their skills were self-taught. The good news? At least 74% of your workforce say they’re willing and ready for you to teach them.

This article explores the importance of strong training programs and how they can lead to better retention in the manufacturing industry.

How Strong Training Can Lead to Better Retention Figures

How Training Can Impact Your Manufacturing Business

In the rapidly evolving manufacturing industry, a company’s success relies heavily on its workforce’s skills and expertise. A well-trained and knowledgeable crew is crucial to achieving operational efficiency, ensuring product quality, and meeting customer demands. However, the manufacturing sector needs help in retaining skilled workers. Evidence shows that more training can help; 86% of millennials say they would be more likely to stay in their job if their employer offered training and development.

What can training do for your business?

Training Bridges Skills Gaps

One of the primary reasons for investing in robust manufacturing training programs is to bridge the skills gap. As technology and automation continue to advance, the industry requires a more skilled and adaptable workforce. Training programs enable employees to acquire new competencies and keep pace with technological advancements, making them valuable assets to the company. When employees feel that their skills are continually being developed, they are more likely to remain engaged and committed to their roles.

Training Can Boost Employee Confidence and Morale

Training programs equip employees with new skills and boost their confidence and morale. When workers feel competent in their abilities, they are more likely to take pride in their work and feel accomplished. This positive reinforcement enhances job satisfaction and fulfillment, increasing employee retention. Workers who believe in their skillset are less likely to seek employment elsewhere, as they recognize the value of their contributions to the company.

Training Fosters a Learning Culture

Manufacturing companies that prioritize training and development not only create a culture of continuous learning but also demonstrate investment in their employees’ growth and professional development. This culture of learning promotes a supportive and engaging work environment, making employees more likely to stay with the company long-term. Moreover, a learning-focused culture attracts potential candidates seeking career advancement and skill enhancement opportunities.

Reduces Turnover and Associated Costs

High employee turnover is a significant concern in the manufacturing industry. Recruiting, onboarding, and training new employees require substantial time and resources. A strong training program can help reduce turnover by nurturing a skilled workforce that feels valued and invested in the company’s success. When employees see a clear path for advancement and recognize that their employer is committed to their growth, they are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.

Enhances Safety and Productivity

Well-trained employees are likelier to adhere to safety protocols and best practices, leading to a safer work environment. Reduced accidents and incidents protect workers’ well-being and result in improved productivity and decreased downtime. A comprehensive training program emphasizing safety and efficiency can positively impact a company’s bottom line, motivating employees to remain with the organization.

Training Helps Manufacturers Meet Industry Standards and Compliance

The manufacturing industry is subject to various regulations and compliance requirements, especially concerning worker safety and product quality. Non-compliance can lead to legal consequences and damage to a company’s reputation. A strong training program ensures that employees understand and adhere to these standards, reducing the risk of compliance violations. By investing in training, manufacturers demonstrate their commitment to safety and minimize costly consequences.

How Kable Staffing Helps with Employee Training

Kable Staffing is a leading regional staffing firm for the manufacturing sector. We have a ready-made pool of experienced, dedicated workers for your business. Our team sends you top-quality talent, ready and willing to go to work on your behalf. Talk with our team today about how we can help your business.